Index Fichier unique

Art. 899 A. In general
Art. 901 B. Establishment / II. In the case of securities

Art. 900 B. Establishment / I. In the case of ordinary claims

B. Establishment

I. In the case of ordinary claims

1 In order to pledge a debt not evidenced in writing or for which only a borrower’s note exists, the pledge agreement must be executed in writing and, where applicable, the borrower’s note transferred.

2 The pledgee and the pledger may inform the debtor of the pledge.

3 In order to pledge other rights, a written pledge agreement must be drawn up and any form required for the transfer must be observed.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 899 A. En general
Art. 901 B. Constituziun / II. En cas da vaglias

Art. 900 B. Constituziun / I. En cas da pretensiuns cun u senza certificat da debit

B. Constituziun

I. En cas da pretensiuns cun u senza certificat da debit

1 Per impegnar ina pretensiun, per la quala i n’exista betg in document u mo in certificat da debit, sto il contract da pegn esser fatg en scrit ed il titel avant maun sto eventualmain vegnir consegnà al creditur.

2 Il creditur e l’impegnader pon communitgar al debitur ch’il pegn saja constituì.

3 Per impegnar auters dretgs dovri ultra d’in contract da pegn en scrit la furma previsa per il transferiment. (2009-2021) - A propos
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