Index Fichier unique

Art. 725 B. Modas d’acquistar / IV. Chaussas manadas natiers
Art. 727 B. Modas d’acquistar / VI. Uniun e maschaida

Art. 726 B. Modas d’acquistar / V. Elavuraziun

V. Elavuraziun

1 Sch’insatgi ha elavurà u transfurmà ina chaussa estra, tutga la nova chaussa a l’elavuratur, sche la lavur vala dapli che la materia, ed en il cas cuntrari al proprietari da la materia.

2 Sche l’elavuratur n’ha betg agì en buna fai, po il derschader attribuir la nova chaussa al proprietari da la materia, er sche la lavur vala dapli.

3 Resalvads restan ils dretgs d’indemnisaziun e d’enritgiment.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 725 B. Forms of acquisition / IV. Driftage
Art. 727 B. Forms of acquisition / VI. Joining and mixing chattels

Art. 726 B. Forms of acquisition / V. Processing

V. Processing

1 If a person has processed or reworked an object that does not belong to him, the newly created object becomes the property of that person if the work is more valuable than the material, failing which it belongs to the original owner.

2 Where the person doing such work did not act in good faith, the court may award the newly created object to the original owner even if his or her work is more valuable than the material.

3 Claims for damages and unjust enrichment are reserved. (2009-2021) - A propos
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