VI. Uniun e maschaida
1 Sche chaussas moviblas da differents proprietaris vegnan maschadadas u unidas uschia, ch’ellas na pon betg pli vegnir separadas senza vegnir donnegiadas considerablamain u senza lavurs ed expensas sproporziunadas, daventan las persunas participadas cumproprietarias da la nova chaussa tenor la valur che las singulas parts possedevan il mument che las chaussas èn vegnidas unidas u maschadadas.
2 Sche duas chaussas vegnan maschadadas u unidas uschia, ch’ina para dad esser ina part integrala accessorica da l’autra, tutga l’entira chaussa al proprietari da la part principala.
3 Resalvads restan ils dretgs d’indemnisaziun e d’enritgiment.
VI. Joining and mixing chattels
1 If chattels belonging to different owners are mixed or joined together such that they may no longer be separated without substantial damage or prohibitive labour and expense, those involved acquire joint ownership rights in the new object in proportion to the value of the constituent parts at the time that they were mixed or joined.
2 If one chattel is mixed with or joined to another such that it acquires the character of a secondary component of the latter, the entire object belongs to the owner of the primary component.
3 Claims for damages and unjust enrichment are reserved.