IV. Chaussas manadas natiers
1 Sch’i vegnan manadas natiers ad insatgi chaussas moviblas tras l’aua, tras il vent, tras lavinas u tras in’autra forza da la natira ubain per casualitad, u sche animals esters crodan en ils mauns d’insatgi, ha quel ils dretgs e las obligaziuns d’in chattader.
2 Sch’in pievel d’avieuls sgola en ina masaina estra populada, croda el al proprietari da quella, senza che quel è obligà da pajar ina indemnisaziun.
IV. Driftage
1 If chattels are carried onto a person’s property by water, wind, avalanche or other force of nature or by chance event, or if animals belonging to others stray onto his or her property, such a person has the rights and obligations of the finder of a lost object.
2 If a swarm of bees flies into an occupied beehive belonging to another person, the owner of that hive acquires said swarm without obligation to compensate.