5. Objects da valur scientifica
1 Objects natirals u antiquitads senza patrun d’ina valur scientifica èn proprietad dal chantun, sin il territori dal qual ellas èn vegnidas chattadas.1
1bis Senza la permissiun da l’autoritad chantunala cumpetenta na pon tals objects betg vegnir alienads. Els na pon vegnir acquistads ni tras giudida ni da buna fai. Il dretg da vegnir restituids na surannescha betg.2
2 Il proprietari dal bain immobigliar, nua ch’i vegnan chattads tals objects, è obligà da permetter l’exchavaziun da quels cunter l’indemnisaziun dal donn chaschunà.
3 Il chattader ed en cas dal stgazi er il proprietari han il dretg da survegnir ina indemnisaziun adequata che na duai dentant betg surpassar la valur dals objects.
1 Versiun tenor l’art. 32 cifra 1 da la LF dals 20 da zer. 2003 davart il transferiment da bains culturals, en vigur dapi il 1. da zer. 2005 (AS 2005 1869; BBl 2002 535).
2 Integrà tras l’art. 32 cifra 1 da la LF dals 20 da zer. 2003 davart il transferiment da bains culturals, en vigur dapi il 1. da zer. 2005 (AS 2005 1869; BBl 2002 535).
5. Objects of scientific value
1 Ownerless natural specimens and antiquities of scientific value are the property of the canton on whose territory they are found.1
1bis Such objects must not be alienated without the consent of the competent cantonal authorities. They may not be purchased in good faith or acquired through adverse possession. There is no prescriptive period on the canton’s right to recover them.2
2 The owner of the land on which such objects are found is obliged to permit their excavation in exchange for compensation for the damage caused.
3 The finder, and in the case of treasure trove also the owner is entitled to an appropriate finder’s reward not exceeding one-half of the value of the find.
1 Amended by Art. 32 No 1 of the Cultural Property Transfer Act of 20 June 2003, in force since 1 June 2005 (AS 2005 1869; BBl 2002 535).
2 Inserted by Art. 32 No 1 of the Cultural Property Transfer Act of 20 June 2003, in force since 1 June 2005 (AS 2005 1869; BBl 2002 535).