Index Fichier unique

Art. 697 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 8. Far saiv
Art. 699 B. Restricziuns / IV. Dretg d’access e da defensiun / 1. Access

Art. 698 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 9. Obligaziun da mantegniment

9. Obligaziun da mantegniment

Ils proprietaris da bains immobigliars han – en la proporziun da lur interess – da contribuir vi dals custs dals indrizs ch’èn necessaris per exequir ils dretgs da vischinanza.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 697 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 8. Enclosure
Art. 699 B. Limitations / IV. Right of access and to ward off danger / 1. Access

Art. 698 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 9. Duty to maintain

9. Duty to maintain

The costs of any structures required for the exercise of rights under the law of neighbours are borne by the landowners in proportion to their interests. (2009-2021) - A propos
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