IV. Dretg d’access e da defensiun
1. Access
1 Entaifer ils terms da l’isanza locala èsi permess a mintgin dad ir per guauds e per pastgiras sco er da tschertgar pumaraida selvadia, bulieus u fritgs selvadis sumegliants, uschenavant che l’autoritad cumpetenta n’ha betg decretà scumonds limitads sin territoris determinads, e quai en l’interess da las culturas.
2 Il dretg chantunal po fixar prescripziuns detagliadas concernent l’access a bains immobigliars esters per exequir la chatscha e la pestga.
IV. Right of access and to ward off danger
1. Access
1 Any person has the right to enter woodlands and meadows and to gather wild berries, fungi and the like to the extent permitted by local custom except where the competent authority enacts specific limited prohibitions in the interests of conservation.
2 Cantonal law may enact more detailed regulations on access to land owned by others for the purposes of hunting and fishing.