2. Responsabladad sur l’inventari ora
1 Ils ertavels na ston star buns ni persunalmain ni cun l’ierta vers ils crediturs dal testader che n’èn betg registrads en l’inventari, perquai ch’els n’èn betg s’annunziads u perquai ch’els han fatg quai memia tard.
2 Sch’ils crediturs han tralaschà l’annunzia senza atgna culpa u sche lur pretensiuns n’èn betg vegnidas registradas en l’inventari malgrà l’annunzia, è l’ertavel responsabel, uschenavant ch’el è s’enritgì tras l’ierta.
3 En mintga cas pon ils crediturs far valair lur pretensiuns, uschenavant che quellas èn segiradas tras dretgs da pegn sin chaussas da l’ierta.
2. Liability beyond the inventory
1 The heirs are not liable either personally or with the inheritance towards creditors of the estate whose claims were not included in the inventory because the creditors failed to register them in time.
2 Where such failure to register claims in the inventory was through no fault of the creditor or his or her claims were not included in the inventory despite having been registered, the heir is liable to the extent he or she is enriched by the inheritance.
3 In all cases, creditors may assert claims to the extent these are secured by a lien on the estate assets.