III. Consequenzas da l’acceptaziun cun l’inventari public
1. Responsabladad tenor l’inventari
1 Sche l’ertavel surpiglia l’ierta cun l’inventari public, van ils debits dal testader ch’èn registrads en l’inventari e las valurs da facultad vi ad el.
2 Ils effects da l’acquist da l’ierta cun ses dretgs e cun sias obligaziuns cumenzan il mument da l’avertura da la successiun d’ierta.
3 L’ertavel sto star bun per ils debits ch’èn registrads en l’inventari tant cun l’ierta sco er cun sia atgna facultad.
III. Effects of acceptance subject to public inventory
1. Liability as per inventory
1 Where an heir accepts the inheritance subject to public inventory, the debts of the deceased listed in the inventory and the assets pass to him or her.
2 The acquisition of the inheritance with all attendant rights and obligations takes effect retroactively from the date on which the succession process commenced.
3 The heir is liable for debts listed in the inventory both with the inheritance and with his or her own assets.