B. Effect da las mesiras envers terzas persunas
1 Ina mesira da la protecziun da creschids po vegnir fatga valair envers terzas persunas, er sch’ellas èn da buna fai.
2 Sche la curatella restrenscha l’abilitad d’agir da la persuna pertutgada, sto vegnir communitgà als debiturs che lur prestaziun haja mo in effect liberant, sch’ella vegn furnida al procuratur. Avant na po la curatella betg vegnir fatga valair envers debiturs da buna fai.
3 Sch’ina persuna suttamessa ad ina mesira da la protecziun da creschids ha per sbagl laschà crair auters ch’ella haja l’abilitad d’agir cumplaina, porta ella la responsabladad per il donn ch’ella ha chaschunà uschia a questas persunas.
B. Effect of the measures on third parties
1 An adult protection measure may be cited in opposition to third parties even if they are acting in good faith.
2 If the deputyship limits the capacity of the client to act, debtors must be notified that contractual performance only relieves them of their obligations payment if it is made to the deputy. Prior to notice being given, the deputyship may not be cited in opposition to debtors acting in good faith.
3 If a person subject to an adult protection measure induces other persons to accept his or her capacity to act in error, he or she is liable to them for any damage caused thereby.