C. Obligaziun da collavurar
1 Sch’igl exista il privel serius ch’ina persuna basegnusa sa periclitescha sezza u commetta in crim u in delict, cun il qual ella donnegescha grevamain insatgi corporalmain, psichicamain u materialmain, collavuran l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids, ils posts pertutgads e la polizia.
2 Persunas che suttastattan al secret d’uffizi u al secret professiunal, han il dretg en in tal cas d’infurmar l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids.
C. Duty of cooperation
1 If there is a serious risk that a person in need will endanger himself or herself or commit a felony or misdemeanour that seriously damages another person physically or mentally or causes them material loss, the adult protection authority shall cooperate with the agencies concerned and the police.
2 In such cases, persons subject to official or professional confidentiality are entitled to notify the adult protection authority.