A. Principle
1 A person who is capable of judgement may specify in a patient decree which medical procedures he or she agrees or does not agree to in the event that he or she is no longer capable of judgement.
2 He or she may also designate a natural person who in the event that he or she is no longer capable of judgement should discuss the medical procedures with the attending doctor and decide on his or her behalf. He or she may issue instructions to this person.
3 He or she may issue alternative instructions for the event that the designated person is not suitable for the tasks, does not accept the mandate or terminates the mandate.
A. Princip
1 En ina disposiziun dal pazient po ina persuna abla da giuditgar fixar las mesiras medicalas ch’ella accepta u refusa, en cas ch’ella daventa inabla da giuditgar.
2 Ella po er numnar ina persuna natirala che duai discutar cun il medi responsabel las mesiras medicalas e decider en ses num, en cas ch’ella è inabla da giuditgar. Ella po dar directivas a la persuna numnada.
3 En cas che la persuna numnada n’è betg adattada per las incumbensas, n’accepta betg l’incarica u disdi tala, po ella prender disposiziuns substitutivas.