I. Regaining the capacity of judgement
1 If the client regains the capacity of judgement, the advance care directive shall by law cease to have effect.
2 If the interests of the client are endangered thereby, the appointee must continue to carry out the tasks assigned to him or her until the client can safeguard his or her own interests.
3 The appointee is bound as if the directive still applies by transactions that he or she enters into before he or she learns that the directive has ceased to apply.
I. Recuperaziun da l’abilitad da giuditgar
1 Sch’il mandant daventa puspè abel da giuditgar, extingua il mandat preventiv tenor la lescha.
2 Sch’ils interess dal mandant vegnan periclitads tras quest fatg, è il mandatari obligà da cuntinuar uschè ditg cun las incumbensas attribuidas, fin ch’il mandant po defender sez ses interess.
3 Il mandant vegn obligà tras affars ch’il mandatari fa avant ch’el vegn a savair da l’extincziun da ses mandat, sco sch’il mandat fiss anc adina valaivel.