B. Execution and revocation
1 The patient decree must be executed in writing, and be dated and signed.
2 Any person who has executed a patient decree may have this fact and the place where it is kept entered on his or her health insurance card. The Federal Council shall issue the required provisions, in particular on the access to the data.
3 The provision on revoking an advance care directive applies mutatis mutandis.
B. Constituziun e revocaziun
1 La disposiziun dal pazient sto vegnir constituida en scrit, sto vegnir datada e suttascritta.
2 Tgi che constituescha ina disposiziun dal pazient, po laschar inscriver la constituziun ed il lieu da deposit sin la carta d’assicuranza. Il Cussegl federal decretescha las disposiziuns necessarias, en spezial davart l’access a las datas.
3 La disposiziun davart la revocaziun dal mandat preventiv è applitgabla tenor il senn.