II. Allowance for personal use
1 A spouse who looks after the household, cares for the children or supports the career or business of the other spouse is entitled to receive from the latter a reasonable allowance for his or her own personal use.
2 When determining said allowance, account must be taken of the personal resources of the receiving spouse and the need to provide conscientiously for the family, career and business.
II. Import a libra disposiziun
1 Il consort che fa il tegnairchasa, che tgira ils uffants ubain che gida l’auter en la professiun u en l’interpresa ha il dretg da survegnir da l’auter in import regular ed adequat a libra disposiziun.
2 Tar la fixaziun da quest import ston vegnir resguardadas las atgnas entradas dal consort che ha il dretg da survegnir quest import ed ina prevenziun plain responsabladad per la famiglia, per la professiun u per l’interpresa.