III. Extraordinary contributions by one spouse
1 Where the contribution made by one spouse to the other’s career or business is significantly greater than required in the light of the latter’s contribution to the maintenance of the family, he or she is entitled to reasonable compensation.
2 The same applies if a spouse has contributed significantly more of his or her own income or assets to the maintenance of the family than he or she was obliged to contribute.
3 However, a spouse is not entitled to compensation if such extraordinary contribution was made under a work, loan or partnership agreement or on the basis of some other legal relationship.
III. Contribuziuns extraordinarias d’in consort
1 Sch’in consort ha collavurà en la professiun u en l’interpresa da l’auter considerablamain dapli che quai che sia contribuziun al mantegniment da la famiglia pretenda, ha el persuenter il dretg da survegnir ina indemnisaziun adequata.
2 Quai vala er, sch’in consort ha prestà or da sias entradas u or da sia facultad vi dal mantegniment da la famiglia considerablamain dapli che quai ch’el era obligà da far.
3 In consort na po dentant betg pretender ina indemnisaziun, sch’el ha prestà sia contribuziun extraordinaria sin basa d’in contract da lavur, d’in contract d’emprest u d’in contract da societad ubain d’ina autra relaziun giuridica.