Index Fichier unique

Art. 162 D. Marital home
Art. 164 E. Maintenance of the family / II. Allowance for personal use

Art. 163 E. Maintenance of the family / I. In general

E. Maintenance of the family

I. In general

1 The spouses jointly provide for the proper maintenance of the family, each according to his or her ability.

2 They agree on the contributions each of them will make, notably by providing money, looking after the household, caring for the children or supporting the other’s career or business.

3 In so doing they take due account of the needs of the marital union and of their own personal circumstances.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 162 D. Abitaziun conjugala
Art. 164 E. Mantegniment da la famiglia / II. Import a libra disposiziun

Art. 163 E. Mantegniment da la famiglia / I. En general

E. Mantegniment da la famiglia

I. En general

1 Ils consorts procuran cuminaivlamain, mintgin tenor sias forzas, per il mantegniment adequat da la famiglia.

2 Els sa cunvegnan davart la contribuziun che mintgin duai prestar, numnadamain tras pajaments en daners, cun far il tegnairchasa, cun tgirar ils uffants u tras l’agid en la professiun u en l’interpresa da l’auter.

3 Faschond quai resguardan els ils basegns da la cuminanza conjugala e lur circumstanzas persunalas. (2009-2021) - A propos
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