Index Fichier unique

Art. 926 C. Effects / I. Protecziun dal possess / 1. Dretg da defensiun
Art. 928 C. Effects / I. Protecziun dal possess / 3. Plant pervia da disturbi dal possess

Art. 927 C. Effects / I. Protecziun dal possess / 2. Plant pervia da privaziun dal possess

2. Plant pervia da privaziun dal possess

1 Tgi che ha prendì davent ina chaussa d’in auter tras usurpaziun, è obligà da restituir la chaussa, er sch’el pretenda d’avair in meglier dretg sin la chaussa.

2 Sche l’accusà cumprova immediatamain ses meglier dretg e sch’el pudess puspè pretender enavos la chaussa da l’accusader sin basa da quest dretg, po el refusar da restituir la chaussa.

3 Cun il plant duai vegnir cuntanschì che la chaussa vegnia restituida e ch’il donn vegnia indemnisà.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 926 C. Legal remedies / I. Protection of possession / 1. Defence against interference
Art. 928 C. Legal remedies / I. Protection of possession / 3. Action for trespass

Art. 927 C. Legal remedies / I. Protection of possession / 2. Action for restitution

2. Action for restitution

1 A person who wrongfully dispossesses another of an object is obliged to return it, even if he or she claims a better right to it.

2 If the defendant may immediately show a better right entitling him or her to reclaim the object from the claimant, he or she may refuse to return it.

3 The claim is for restitution of the object plus damages. (2009-2021) - A propos
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