Index Fichier unique

Art. 925 B. Transferiment / IV. Titels che represchentan rauba
Art. 927 C. Effects / I. Protecziun dal possess / 2. Plant pervia da privaziun dal possess

Art. 926 C. Effects / I. Protecziun dal possess / 1. Dretg da defensiun

C. Effects

I. Protecziun dal possess

1. Dretg da defensiun

1 Mintga possessur dastga sa defender cun forza cunter usurpaziuns.

2 Sch’el è vegnì privà da la chaussa tras violenza u en moda clandestina, dastga el sa patrunar immediatamain dal bain immobigliar cun stgatschar l’usurpader e puspè prender davent la chaussa movibla da l’usurpader ch’el ha traplà en flagranti e persequità directamain.

3 El sto dentant s’abstegnair da mintga act da violenza che n’è betg giustifitgà tenor las circumstanzas.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 925 B. Transfer / IV. In the case of documents of title to goods
Art. 927 C. Legal remedies / I. Protection of possession / 2. Action for restitution

Art. 926 C. Legal remedies / I. Protection of possession / 1. Defence against interference

C. Legal remedies

I. Protection of possession

1. Defence against interference

1 A possessor has the right to use force in self-defence against any unlawful interference.

2 If he or she has been dispossessed of an object by force or by clandestine means, he or she has the right to recover it immediately by expelling the trespasser from the property or, in the case of a chattel, by taking it from a person caught in the act and pursued immediately.

3 In doing so, he or she must abstain from all force not justified by the circumstances. (2009-2021) - A propos
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