Index Fichier unique

Art. 906 C. Effects / III. Administraziun e rembursament
Art. 908 A. Institut d’emprest cunter pegn / II. Durada

Art. 907 A. Institut d’emprest cunter pegn / I. Cumpetenza

A. Institut d’emprest cunter pegn

I. Cumpetenza

1 Tgi che vul exequir la professiun d’emprestar daners cunter pegn, sto avair in’autorisaziun da la regenza chantunala.

2 Ils chantuns pon fixar che questa autorisaziun vegnia dada mo ad instituts publics dal chantun u da las vischnancas sco er ad interpresas d’utilitad publica.

3 Ils chantuns pon pretender taxas dals instituts.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 906 C. Effect / III. Administration and payment
Art. 908 A. Pawnbrokers / II. Duration of licence

Art. 907 A. Pawnbrokers / I. Licensing

A. Pawnbrokers

I. Licensing

1 Any person wishing to operate as a pawnbroker requires a licence from the cantonal government.

2 Cantonal law may provide that such licences are granted only to cantonal or communal bodies and charitable organisations.

3 The cantons may levy fees from pawnbrokers. (2009-2021) - A propos
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