III. Administraziun e rembursament
1 Sch’ina administraziun conscienziusa pretenda la disditga e l’incassament da la pretensiun impegnada, po il creditur da quella far quai ed il creditur da pegn dastga pretender che quai vegnia fatg.
2 Suenter esser infurmà davart l’impegnaziun na dastga il debitur betg far pajaments ad in da quels dus senza il consentiment da l’auter.
3 Manca in tal consentiment sto el deponer la summa debitada.
III. Administration and payment
1 If diligent administration so requires, the creditor may give notice to terminate the pledged claim and collect the debt and the pledgee is entitled to request that such procedures be carried out.
2 Once notified of the pledge, the debtor may make payment to either the creditor or the pledgee, but only with the other party’s consent.
3 Where no such consent is forthcoming, he or she must deposit the amount due.