VIII. Mandatari
1 Tar la constituziun d’ina brev ipotecara po vegnir dà in plainpudair ad ina persuna. Questa persuna sto far ed acceptar pajaments, prender encunter communicaziuns, permetter che bains immobigliars vegnian distgargiads dal pegn e defender generalmain cun tut quità e cun tutta imparzialitad ils interess tant dals crediturs sco er dal debitur e dal proprietari.
2 Il num dal mandatari sto vegnir remartgà en il register funsil sco er sin il titel ipotecar.
3 Sch’il plainpudair extingua e sche las persunas participadas na vegnan betg perina, prenda il derschader las mesiras necessarias.
VIII. Authorised person
On the issue of a mortgage certificate, a person may be granted a power of attorney. This person must make and receive payments, receive notices, consent to releases from liability under the mortgage and in general safeguard the rights of the creditors, debtor and owner with all due care and impartiality
2 The name of the authorised person must be recorded in the land register and on the document of title.
3 If the power of attorney lapses and the persons involved are unable to agree, the court shall make the necessary arrangements.