VII. Objecziuns dal debitur
1 Il creditur po far valair mo objecziuns che resultan da l’inscripziun en il register funsil, ch’el ha persunalmain cunter il creditur che porta plant u che resultan dal titel ipotecar en la brev ipotecara sin palpiri.
2 Cunvegnas che cuntegnan disposiziuns accessoricas davart la pretensiun che resulta da la brev ipotecara pon vegnir fatgas valair envers il cumprader da buna fai da la brev ipotecara mo, sch’ellas èn inscrittas en il register funsil; en il cas da la brev ipotecara sin palpiri ston ellas ultra da quai resultar dal titel.
VII. Objections by the debtor
1 The debtor may raise only such objections as arise from the entry in the land register or to which he or she is personally entitled with regard to the creditor or to document of title in the case of a mortgage certificate on paper.
2 Agreements including ancillary provisions on the mortgage certificate debt may only be cited in opposition to an acquirer of the mortgage certificate acting in good faith if they are referred to in the land register and on the document of title in the case of a mortgage certificate on paper.