2. Indemnisaziun
1 Per ils edifizis che returnan ad el, ha il proprietari dal bain immobigliar da prestar ina indemnisaziun adequata al giudider vertent dal dretg da construcziun; questa indemnisaziun è dentant ina garanzia per las pretensiuns existentas dals crediturs, als quals il dretg da construcziun era impegnà; perquai na dastga ella betg vegnir pajada senza lur consentiment al giudider dal dretg da construcziun da fin ussa.
2 Sche l’indemnisaziun na vegn ni pajada ni garantida, po il giudider vertent dal dretg da construcziun u in creditur, al qual il dretg da construcziun era impegnà, pretender ch’i vegnia inscrit – empè dal dretg da construcziun annullà – in dretg da pegn immobigliar dal medem rang per segirar la pretensiun d’indemnisaziun.
3 L’inscripziun sto vegnir fatga il pli tard 3 mais suenter l’extincziun dal dretg da construcziun.
1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 19 da mars 1965, en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 1965 (AS 1965 445; BBl 1963 I 969).
2. Compensation
1 The landowner must pay the holder of the expired right adequate compensation for the buildings which have reverted to his or her ownership, but such compensation is subject to the outstanding claims of creditors to whom the building right was pledged as security and is not payable to the holder of the building right without their consent.
2 If the compensation has neither been paid nor secured, the holder of the expired right or a creditor to whom the building right was pledged as security may request that a mortgage right be registered in place of and with the same rank as the expired right as security for the compensation claim.
3 Such registration must be made within three months of expiry of the building right.
1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 March 1965, in force since 1 July 1965 (AS 1965 445; BBl 1963 I 969).