Index Fichier unique

Art. 777 B. Dretg d’abitar / II. Cuntegn dal dretg d’abitar
Art. 779 C. Dretg da construcziun / I. Object ed inscripziun en il register funsil

Art. 778 B. Dretg d’abitar / III. Grevezzas

III. Grevezzas

1 Sch’il giudider ha in dretg d’abitar exclusiv, porta el las grevezzas dal mantegniment ordinari.

2 Sch’el ha mo in dretg da cundiever, sto il proprietari purtar ils custs da mantegniment.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 777 B. Right of residence / II. Rights of the usufructuary
Art. 779 C. Building right / I. Object and entry in the land register

Art. 778 B. Right of residence / III. Maintenance costs

III. Maintenance costs

1 If the right of residence is exclusive, the usufructuary bears the costs of ordinary maintenance.

2 If the right of residence is exercised jointly with the owner, the latter bears the maintenance costs. (2009-2021) - A propos
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