II. Cuntegn dal dretg d’abitar
1 Il dretg d’abitar vegn fixà en general tenor ils basegns persunals dal giudider.
2 Il giudider dastga dentant recepir en l’abitaziun ses confamigliars e ses cunabitants, nun ch’il dretg saja limità expressivamain a sia persuna.
3 Sch’il dretg d’abitar è limità ad ina part d’in edifizi, po il giudider far cundiever dals indrizs ch’èn destinads al diever cuminaivel.
II. Rights of the usufructuary
1 The scope of the right of residence is generally tailored to the personal requirements of the usufructuary.
2 However, unless the right is expressly restricted to the person of the holder, he or she may share the residence with his or her family and household.
3 If the right of residence is limited to part of a building, the holder may use the fittings and installations intended for common use.