b. Spesas dal mantegniment e dal diever
1 Las spesas per il mantegniment ordinari e per l’administraziun da la chaussa, ils tschains per ils debits da chapital ch’engrevgeschan la chaussa sco er las taglias e las taxas vegnan surpigliadas dal giudider en proporziun cun la durada da ses dretg.
2 Sche las taglias e las taxas vegnan incassadas tar il proprietari, al sto il giudider indemnisar en la medema dimensiun.
3 Tut las autras grevezzas porta il proprietari; el dastga dentant duvrar chaussas da la giudida per quest intent, sch’il giudider n’al paja betg – sin dumonda – anticipadamain e gratuitamain ils meds finanzials necessaris.
b. Maintenance and administration
1 The usufructuary must bear the costs of the normal maintenance and administration of the object, the interest on the attendant debt and taxes and other duties for the duration of his or her rights over the object.
2 If the taxes and duties are payable by the owner, the usufructuary must compensate him or her to the same extent.
3 All other charges are borne by the owner, but if the usufructuary does not advance the owner the necessary funds on request, he or she is entitled to dispose of parts of the usufruct for this purpose.