4. Obligaziuns dal giudider
a. Mantegniment da la chaussa
1 Il giudider ha da mantegnair la substanza da la chaussa ed ha da far da sai anor meglieraziuns e renovaziuns che appartegnan al mantegniment ordinari.
2 Sche lavurs e mesiras pli impurtantas daventan necessarias per mantegnair la chaussa, sto il giudider infurmar il proprietari e tolerar las lavurs e las mesiras.
3 Sch’il proprietari n’interprenda betg il necessari, po il giudider prender sez las mesiras necessarias sin donn e cust dal proprietari.
4. Costs
a. Preservation of the object
1 The usufructuary must preserve the object in its original condition and of his or her own accord carry out such repairs and renovations as constitute normal maintenance.
2 If more substantial work or measures are necessary to protect the object, the usufructuary must inform the owner and allow such work to be carried out.
3 If the owner does not attend to the matter, the usufructuary is authorised to take the necessary steps at the owner’s expense.