c. Spesas
1 Sch’il giudider ha fatg spesas u renovaziuns senza ch’el fiss stà obligà, po el pretender ina indemnisaziun a chaschun da la restituziun, sco in administratur senza mandat.
2 El po prender davent indrizs ch’el ha installà, sch’il proprietari na vul betg indemnisar quels; el è dentant obligà da restabilir il stadi anteriur.
c. Costs
1 If the usufructuary has of his or her own free will incurred costs or made improvements, on return of the object he or she may request compensation in accordance with the provisions governing agency without authority.
2 He or she is entitled to remove any fixtures he or she has installed for which the owner is not prepared to pay compensation; he or she is, however, obliged to restore the object to its previous condition.