A. Definition and object
I. Definition
1 Condominium is a form of co-ownership of immovable property that gives the co-owner the exclusive right to make sole use of specific parts of a building thereon and design the interior of such parts.
2 Each condominium owner is free to manage, use and design the structure of his or her own parts of the building as he or she wishes but must not obstruct any other condominium owners in the exercise of their own rights or in any way damage the common parts of the building, fittings and installations or impair their functional effectiveness or appearance.
3 Each condominium owner is obliged to maintain his or her parts of the building in the manner required to preserve the sound condition and good appearance of the building as a whole.
A. Cuntegn ed object
I. Cuntegn
1 La proprietad en condomini è la part da cumproprietad vi d’in bain immobigliar che dat al cumproprietari il dretg spezial da duvrar exclusivamain tschertas parts d’in edifizi e da las renovar a l’intern.
2 Il proprietari en condomini ha il dretg d’administrar e da duvrar libramain sias atgnas localitads sco er da concepir l’architectura da quellas; el na dastga dentant betg engrevgiar als auters cumproprietaris d’exequir il medem dretg ed el na dastga er insumma betg donnegiar las parts da l’edifizi, ils stabiliments ed ils indrizs cuminaivels u disturbar lur funcziun e lur parita exteriura.
3 El è obligà da mantegnair sias localitads sco quai ch’igl è necessari per garantir in stadi irreproschabel ed ina buna cumparsa da l’edifizi.