IV. Community of spring owners
1 Where springs located near to each other and belonging to different owners form a group rising from a common catchment basin, each of the owners may request that the springs be collectively captured and channelled to the rightful users in proportion to the existing volume of flow.
2 The costs of the common installations are borne by the rightful users in proportion to their respective interests.
3 If one user opposes the request, each user has the right to capture and divaert his or her own spring in the normal manner, even if the volume of flow of the other springs is thereby diminished, and is liable to pay compensation only to the extent that his or her own spring is augmented by the new works.
IV. Funtaunas cuminaivlas
1 Sche pliras funtaunas vischinantas, che appartegnan a differents proprietaris, vegnan spisgentadas or dal medem ravugl d’auas sutterranas e furman uschia ina suletta gruppa, po mintga proprietari pretender che las auas vegnian tschiffadas da cuminanza e distribuidas tranter tut ils proprietaris autorisads en la proporziun da la fermezza da las funtaunas da fin ussa.
2 Ils custs dal stabiliment cuminaivel vegnan pajads dals participads tenor la proporziun da lur interess.
3 Sch’in dals proprietaris autorisads fa opposiziun, po mintgin dad els tschiffar e manar natiers sia funtauna en moda regulara, e quai er alura, sche las funtaunas dals auters proprietaris vegnan pregiuditgadas qua tras; el ha da pajar ina indemnisaziun per quai mo uschenavant che sia funtauna è vegnida rinforzada tras ils novs indrizs.