II. Regress sin ils cunertavels
1 In ertavel po prender regress sin ses cunertavels, sch’el ha pajà in debit dal testader che n’è betg vegnì attribuì ad el tar la partiziun u sch’el ha pajà dapli d’in debit che quai ch’el ha surpiglià.
2 Quest regress sa drizza en emprima lingia cunter l’ertavel che ha surpiglià tar la partiziun il debit pajà.
3 Dal rest ston ils ertavels surpigliar ils debits en la proporziun da lur parts d’ierta, nun ch’els hajan fixà insatge auter.
II. Recourse against co-heirs
1 If an heir has paid a debt owed by the deceased that was not allocated to him or her in the divaision, or if he or she has paid more of a debt than he or she has assumed, he or she has right of recourse against the co-heirs.
2 Recourse is taken first against the person who assumed such debt in the divaision.
3 In all other respects, the heirs must bear the debts in proportion to their shares in the estate, unless otherwise agreed.