II. Formation of lots
1 The heirs form as many portions or lots as there are heirs or stirpes.
2 If they are unable to reach agreement, at the request of one heir the competent authority must form the lots with due regard to local custom and the personal circumstances and wishes of the majority of the co-heirs.
3 The lots are distributed among the heirs either as agreed or by the drawing of lots.
II. Furmaziun da parts
1 Or da las chaussas da l’ierta furman ils ertavels tantas parts u sorts sco quai ch’i èn avant maun ertavels u tscheps d’ertavels.
2 Sch’els na pon betg sa cunvegnir, sto l’autoritad cumpetenta furmar las sorts sin dumonda d’in dals ertavels e resguardond l’isanza locala, las relaziuns persunalas u ils giavischs da la maioritad dals cunertavels.
3 Las parts vegnan repartidas tranter ils ertavels tenor cunvegna u cun trair la sort.