C. Realisaziun da la partiziun
I. Egualitad dals ertavels
1 Sch’i n’è betg prescrit insatge auter, han tut ils ertavels ils medems dretgs sin las chaussas da l’ierta.
2 Els ston far a savair in a l’auter la relaziun ch’els han gì cun il testader; questas infurmaziuns vegnan resguardadas per far ina partiziun da l’ierta gulivada e gista.
3 Mintga cunertavel po dumandar ch’ils debits dal testader vegnian pajads avant che parter l’ierta u ch’i vegnia dà ina garanzia persuenter.
C. Performing the divaision
I. Equal rights of heirs
1 Except where other provisions apply, all heirs have an equal right to the estate property.
2 They must disclose to each other all circumstances concerning their relationship with the deceased insofar as these pertain to the just and equitable divaision of the estate.
3 Each heir may request that the debts of the deceased be redeemed or secured prior to divaision of the estate.