II. Dumonda dals crediturs dal testader
1 Sch’ils crediturs dal testader han cun raschun tema che lur pretensiuns na vegnian betg pajadas, pon els pretender entaifer 3 mais dapi la mort dal testader u dapi l’avertura dal testament la liquidaziun uffiziala da l’ierta, nun ch’els hajan survegnì pajaments u garanzias en il fratemp.
2 Sut las medemas circumstanzas pon ils legataris pretender ch’i vegnian ordinadas las mesiras preventivas per segirar lur dretgs.
II. At the request of the deceased’s creditors
1 Where the deceased’s creditors have good cause to fear that their claims will not be met and such claims are not satisfied or secured at their request, within three months of the death of the deceased or the reading of the will they may demand the official liquidation of the estate.
2 Subject to the same conditions, legatees may request provisional measures by way of security.