A. Premissa
I. Dumonda d’in ertavel
1 Mintga ertavel ha il dretg da pretender la liquidaziun uffiziala empè da refusar l’ierta u d’acceptar quella cun l’inventari public.
2 A sia dumonda na poi dentant betg vegnir consentì, uschè ditg ch’in dals ertavels declera d’acceptar l’ierta.
3 En cas da la liquidaziun uffiziala n’èn ils ertavels betg responsabels per ils debits da l’ierta.
A. Requirements
I. At the request of an heir
1 Rather than disclaim the inheritance or accept it subject to public inventory, each heir is entitled to request official liquidation.
2 However, such request may not be granted if at least one co-heir accepts the inheritance.
3 In the event of official liquidation, the heirs are not liable for the debts of the estate.