IV. Disclaimer by all the nearest heirs
1. In general
1 Where the inheritance is disclaimed by all the nearest heirs, the estate is liquidated by the bankruptcy office.
2 If liquidation produces a surplus after payment of debts, this passes to those entitled to inherit as if they had not disclaimed it.
IV. Refusa tras tut ils ertavels ils pli proxims
1. En general
1 Sch’ina ierta vegn refusada tras tut ils ertavels legals ils pli proxims, vegn ella liquidada da l’uffizi da concurs.
2 Quai che resta da la liquidaziun suenter ch’ils debits èn pajads, vegn surdà a quels che han il dretg da l’ierta, sco sche quella na fiss betg vegnida refusada.