III. Disclaimer by one co-heir
1 Where the deceased has not made a testamentary disposition and one of two or more heirs disclaims the inheritance, his or her share of the estate passes to the other heirs as if he or she had predeceased.
2 Where the deceased has made testamentary disposition, any share of the estate disclaimed by a named heir passes to the testator’s nearest statutory heirs, unless other intentions on the part of the testator are evident from the disposition.
III. Refusa d’in cunertavel
1 Sch’il testader n’ha betg relaschà ina disposiziun per causa da mort e sch’in da plirs ertavels refusa l’ierta, va sia part a quella persuna che ertass dad el, sch’el fiss mort avant che la successiun d’ierta è vegnida averta.
2 Sch’il testader ha relaschà ina disposiziun per causa da mort, va la part ch’in ertavel instituì ha refusà als ertavels legals ils pli proxims dal testader, nun che la disposiziun exprimia in’autra voluntad dal testader.