E. Avertura dal testament
I. Obligaziun da consegna
1 Sch’ins chatta in testament suenter la mort d’ina persuna, sto quel vegnir consegnà immediatamain a l’autoritad, e quai er, sch’el para dad esser nunvalaivel.
2 Il funcziunari, tar il qual il testament è protocollà u deponì, sco er tut tgi che ha obtegnì in testament per al tegnair en salv u ha chattà in tal tranter las chaussas dal testader, è obligà sut atgna responsabladad da consegnar quel a l’autoritad, uschespert ch’el è vegnì a savair da la mort dal testader.
3 Suenter avair retschavì il testament e sche pussaivel suenter avair laschà vegnir a pled ils participads, surdat l’autoritad l’ierta ad interim als ertavels legals u ordinescha l’administraziun uffiziala da l’ierta.
E. Probate proceedings
I. Duty to submit the will
1 If the deceased left a will, this must be submitted to the authority without delay even if it appears to be invalid.
2 The public official by whom the will was recorded or with whom it was deposited or any other person who had custody of the will or found it among the personal effects of the deceased is personally responsible on learning of the testator’s death for ensuring that the will is submitted to the authority.
3 Once the will has been submitted, the authority must, where feasible after hearing all interested parties, either release the estate to the statutory heirs on a provisional basis or appoint estate administrators.