Index Fichier unique

Art. 552 B. Sigillaziun da l’ierta
Art. 554 D. Administraziun da l’ierta / I. En general

Art. 553 C. Inventari

C. Inventari

1 Ina inventarisaziun vegn ordinada:

sch’in ertavel minoren stat sut avugà u sto vegnir mess sut avugà;
sch’in ertavel è permanentamain absent senza avair fixà ina represchentanza;
sch’in dals ertavels u l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids pretenda quai;
sch’in ertavel maioren stat sut curatella cumplessiva u sto vegnir mess sut curatella cumplessiva.1

2 L’inventari duai vegnir fatg tenor las prescripziuns dal dretg chantunal e duai per regla esser terminà entaifer 2 mais dapi la mort dal testader.

3 La legislaziun chantunala po prescriver da far in inventari er en ulteriurs cas.

1 Versiun tenor la cifra I 2 da la LF dals 19 da dec. 2008 (protecziun da creschids, dretg da persunas e dretg dals uffants), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001).

Index Fichier unique

Art. 552 B. Sealing the estate
Art. 554 D. Estate administrators / I. In general

Art. 553 C. Inventory

C. Inventory

1 The order to draw up an inventory is given:

where an heir is under guardianship or is to be made a ward of court;
where an heir is permanently absent and without representation;
at the request of one of the heirs;
where an adult heir is or is to be made subject to a general deputyship.1

2 The inventory is drawn up in accordance with the provisions of cantonal law and normally must be completed within two months of the death of the deceased.

3 Cantonal legislation may require that an inventory be drawn up in other cases.

1 Amended by No I 2 of the FA of 19 Dec. 2008 (Adult Protection Law, Law of Persons and Law of Children), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001). (2009-2021) - A propos
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