V. Descendents inabels da giuditgar
1 Sch’in descendent è permanentamain inabel da giuditgar e sch’el na relascha ni descendents ni in consort, po il testader ordinar l’instituziun d’ertavels secundars per la restanza da l’ierta.
2 L’instituziun d’ertavels secundars croda tenor la lescha, sch’il descendent daventa cunter tuttas aspectativas abel da giuditgar.
1 Integrà tras la cifra I 2 da la LF dals 19 da dec. 2008 (protecziun da creschids, dretg da persunas e dretg dals uffants), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001).
V. Issue lacking capacity of judgement
1 If any issue permanently lacks capacity of judgement and if he or she is not survived by issue or a spouse, the testator may designate a remainderman in respect of the residue.
2 The designation of the remainderman ceases to apply by law if the issue, contrary to expectation, becomes capable of judgement.
1 Inserted by No I 2 of the FA of 19 Dec. 2008 (Adult Protection Law, Law of Persons and Law of Children), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001).