2. Da l’ertavel posteriur
1 L’ertavel posteriur acquista l’ierta dal testader, sch’el viva, cur che la surdada è previsa.
2 Sch’el mora avant quest mument, resta l’ierta tar l’emprim ertavel, nun ch’il testader haja disponì insatge auter.
3 Sche l’emprim ertavel mora avant il testader, sch’el n’è betg degn d’ertar u sch’el refusa l’ierta, va l’ierta a l’ertavel posteriur.
2. Of the remainderman
1 The remainderman acquires the testator’s bequest if he or she is alive at the stipulated delivery time.
2 If he or she dies before then, the inheritance passes to the provisional heir unless the testator has ordered otherwise.
3 If the provisional heir dies before the testator or is unworthy of inheritance or disclaims the inheritance, it passes to the remainderman.