III. Relaziun cun l’ierta
1 Sch’ils legats surpassan l’import da l’ierta u da la donaziun al debitur ubain la part disponibla, poi vegnir pretendì ch’els vegnian reducids proporziunalmain.
2 Sch’ils debiturs moran avant il testader, sch’els n’èn betg degns d’ertar u sch’els refusan l’ierta, restan ils legats tuttina en vigur.
3 In ertavel legal u instituì po pretender il legat ch’il testader ha fatg a sia favur er, sch’el refusa l’ierta.
III. Relationship to the estate
1 Where the legacies exceed the value of the estate or of the bequest to the obligor or of the disposable part, application may be made to have them abated proportionately.
2 If the obligors do not survive the testator, are unworthy to inherit or disclaim their inheritance, the legacies remain nonetheless effective.
3 If the testator has bequeathed a legacy to a statutory or named heir, the latter has the right to claim the legacy even if he or she disclaims his or her inheritance.