II. Obligaziun dal debitur
1 La chaussa sto vegnir surdada al legatari en quel stadi ed en quella qualitad, sco ch’ella sa preschenta il mument che la successiun d’ierta vegn averta, cun donns e cun creschaments, libra u engrevgiada.
2 Per expensas ch’il debitur ha fatg per la chaussa dapi l’avertura da la successiun d’ierta sco er per pegiuraments ch’igl ha dà dapi lura, ha el ils dretgs e las obligaziuns d’in administratur senza mandat.
II. Duty on the obligor of the legacy
1 The object must be delivered to the beneficiary in the same condition that it was in at the commencement of the succession process, including damage and growth and with or without encumbrance.
2 With regard to expenditure on and deterioration of the legacy since the commencement of the succession process, the obligor of the legacy has the same rights and duties as an agent without authority.