Index Fichier unique

Art. 449c J. Obligaziun d’annunzia
Art. 450a B. Motivs da recurs

Art. 450 A. Object dal recurs e cumpetenza da far recurs

A. Object dal recurs e cumpetenza da far recurs

1 Cunter decisiuns da l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids poi vegnir recurrì tar la dretgira cumpetenta.

2 Il dretg da recurrer han:

las persunas participadas a la procedura;
las persunas da confidenza da la persuna pertutgada;
las persunas che han in interess legitim d’annullar u da midar la decisiun contestada.

3 Il recurs sto vegnir inoltrà a la dretgira en scrit e cun ina motivaziun.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 449c J. Notification duty
Art. 450a B. Grounds of appeal

Art. 450 A. Object and right of appeal

A. Object and right of appeal

1 Decisions of the adult protection authority are subject to a right of appeal to the competent court.

2 The following persons have a right of appeal:

persons participating in the proceedings;
persons closely associated with the client;
persons with a legitimate interest in the contested decision being reversed or amended.

3 The appeal must be filed with the court in writing and with a statement of the grounds. (2009-2021) - A propos
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