Index Fichier unique

Art. 402 A. Nominaziun / III. Surdada da l’uffizi a pliras persunas
Art. 404 C. Indemnisaziun e spesas

Art. 403 B. Impediment e collisiun d’interess

B. Impediment e collisiun d’interess

1 Sch’il procuratur è impedì d’agir u sch’ils interess dal procuratur collideschan tar in affar cun quels da la persuna pertutgada, nominescha l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids in procuratur substitut u regla sezza quest affar.

2 En cas d’ina collisiun d’interess croda tenor la lescha la cumpetenza dal procuratur en l’affar correspundent.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 402 A. Appointment / III. Appointment of two or more persons
Art. 404 C. Remuneration and expenses

Art. 403 B. Incapacity and conflict of interests

B. Incapacity and conflict of interests

1 If the deputy is unable to act or if the deputy's interests conflict with those of the client, the adult protection authority shall appoint a substitute deputy or regulate the matter itself.

2 In the event of a conflict of interests, the powers of the deputy cease to apply by law in the relevant matter. (2009-2021) - A propos
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