II. Giavischs da la persuna pertutgada u da persunas da sia confidenza
1 Sche la persuna pertutgada propona ina persuna da confidenza sco procuratur, ademplescha l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids quest giavisch, sche la persuna proponida è adattada per la curatella ed è pronta da la surpigliar.
2 Ella resguarda, sche pussaivel, ils giavischs dals confamigliars u d’autras persunas da confidenza.
3 Sche la persuna pertutgada refusa ina tscherta persuna sco procuratur, respecta l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids quest giavisch, sche pussaivel.
II. Wishes of the client or his or her closely associated persons
1 If the client proposes someone as his or her deputy, the adult protection authority shall agree to the proposal provided the person proposed is suitable and is prepared to accept the deputyship
2 It shall if possible take account of the wishes of family members or other closely associated persons.
3 If the client rejects a specific person as the deputy, the adult protection authority shall respect this wish provided it is reasonable.