II. Revocation
1 The client may revoke the advance care directive at any time in either of the ways provided for its execution.
2 He or she may also revoke the advance care directive by destroying the document.
3 If he or she executes a new advance care directive without expressly revoking the previous directive, the new advance care directive replaces the previous one unless it is clearly no more than an amendment to the same.
II. Revocaziun
1 Il mandant po revocar da tut temp ses mandat preventiv en ina da las furmas prescrittas per la constituziun.
2 Il mandant po er revocar ses mandat preventiv cun destruir il document.
3 Sch’il mandant constituescha in nov mandat preventiv senza abolir explicitamain in mandat anteriur, remplazza il nov mandat il mandat anteriur, nun che quel saja senza dubi mo ina cumplettaziun.