Index Fichier unique

Art. 360 A. Principle
Art. 362 B. Execution and revocation / II. Revocation

Art. 361 B. Execution and revocation / I. Execution

B. Execution and revocation

I. Execution

1 The advance care directive must be executed in holographic form or publicly authenticated.

2 A holograph advance care directive must be handwritten, dated and signed by the client from beginning to end.

3 On request, the Civil Register Office shall record in the central database the fact that a person has executed an advance care directive and the place where it is kept. The Federal Council shall issue the required provisions, in particular on the access to the data.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 360 A. Princip
Art. 362 B. Constituziun e revocaziun / II. Revocaziun

Art. 361 B. Constituziun e revocaziun / I. Constituziun

B. Constituziun e revocaziun

I. Constituziun

1 Il mandat preventiv sto vegnir constituì a maun en scrit u sto vegnir documentà publicamain.

2 Il mandat preventiv constituì a maun sto vegnir scrit dal mandant dal cumenzament fin a la fin a maun, ed il mandant sto datar e suttascriver quest mandat.

3 Sin dumonda dal mandant inscriva l’uffizi da stadi civil la constituziun dal mandat preventiv ed il lieu da deposit en la banca da datas centrala. Il Cussegl federal decretescha las disposiziuns necessarias, en spezial davart l’access a las datas. (2009-2021) - A propos
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