2. Dissolution
1 Lorsque le gérant n’exploite pas convenablement les biens communs ou ne remplit pas ses engagements envers ses coindivais, ceux-ci peuvent requérir la dissolution.
2 Chacun des indivais peut, pour de justes motifs, demander au juge qu’il l’autorise à participer à l’exploitation du gérant, en tenant compte des dispositions relatives au partage successoral.
3 Les règles concernant l’indivaision avec exploitation commune sont d’ailleurs applicables à l’indivaision en participation.
2. Special grounds for dissolution
1 If the collectively owned property is not properly managed or the managing co-owner fails to meet his obligations towards the other co-owners, the joint ownership in undivaided shares may be dissolved.
2 Where there is good cause, a co-owner may request the court to authorise him to assume joint management of the property, taking due consideration of the provisions governing the divaision of the estate.
3 In all other respects, revenue-generating joint ownership in undivaided shares is subject to the provisions governing the joint ownership in undivaided shares of a collectively managed business.